Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Think before you say

People should think about what they say or even type before letting it out/sending it.
People have to stop and think about how the person at the other end will feel upon receiving what was said to them.
You can't say to someone you don't even know. Someone on Tumblr or Twitter- "you're ugly." because you don't know if that person is insecure and she has depression because she really cares about how people see her.
You can't say to someone "you're dumb" because you don't know that that person has tried all her best to study but just can't get anything in.
It doesn't matter who the person is. It doesn't matter if you're a random person who has nothing better to do or you are Stephen Hawking, a world renowned physicist.
He said that there is no heaven, and that people only believe that because they fear death.
What does he know. No one living at the moment knows if there is a heaven or not. Yes, he is smart, but he's never died and gone back to life again. He does not know. And yes, there is the freedom of speech, he does have the right to say whatever he wants but he should really think about how his statement would make people like me feel.
I have lost many people close to me. I truly believe there is a heaven, and I truly believe that I would meet them again some day, one day.

On Twitter both 'Stephen Hawking' and '#disrespectful' were trending so I tweeted 'Stephen Hawking's statement is #disrespectful. I'm offended.'. And some stupid person whose username is "davetheatheist" replied, asking me "Why are you offended by the truth? #atheism"
And so I said: Truth doesn't offend me. Stephen Hawking's prevarication does. and he goes on to reply
"There wasn't anything false about what he said. There is no heaven. There is no God. Simple as that. Just truth."
I replied:
Your "truth" is different to my "truth". Please leave me alone now.
and he still wouldn't leave me alone!
"Truth is objective. Our truths are the same. Let's not pretend you're a relativist."
to which I replied saying "You know nothing about me." and blocked him.

The fact that he wastes this time by searching through the tracked tags and replying to people who don't share the same views as he does and replies to them and adding the tag #atheism is really sad. By tagging #atheism is he trying to promote it and get people to convert to it? Atheism isn't a religion. And I was of course offended, he does not know anything about me and no one should ever start arguing with me because they will later regret the consequences.

Basically, what I'm saying is- yes there is the freedom of speech but you have got to think about people's feelings before you say anything. You don't know anyone, how they feel, what they've been through, etc. You wouldn't stab someone in the heart for no reason, other than self defense if your life is at risk. And so you shouldn't say hurtful things on the internet or in real life because that is the same as stabbing someone in the heart, and you have no reason to do so.

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